Completed Research:
- Does arsenic increase risk of Neural Tube Defect in a highly exposed population? (Collaboration with Boston Children Hospital).
CURE Hydrocephalus Spina Bifida (CHSB) International Collaborative- (Collaboration with Cure international).
Comparative study between outcome of Septated and simple Hydrocephalus- (Collaboration with Darriford Hospital, UK).
Accuracy of Ventricular Catheter Tip Placement Using Freehand Placement.
One Stage Reconstruction and Refinements for Frontonasal Encephalocele.
Relationship of the Location of the Ventricular Catheter Tip and Function of the Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt - (Local).
Understanding effects of folic acid on the epigenome of women with history of spina bifida affected pregnancies. (Collaboration with Boston Children Hospital).
Ongoing research:
- Impact of Climate on Pediatric Neurosurgery and Neurology Indoor Patient Outcome
Comparative Study in Between Conventional Follow up and Convention Addition to Mobile Apps Base Virtual Follow Up in Post-Operative Pediatric Hydrocephalus.
HCP - mETVSS (Evaluation of Modified ETV Success Score).
- Outcome Posterior Fossa Tumor.
Upcoming Research:
- Pediatric Stroke etiological evaluation.
Infantile hydrocephalus etiological evaluation.
Digital technology (Apps) For early VP Shunt Malfuntion.
Use of Apps as a Beacon of Hope in Hydrocephalus Treatment: The Role of Apps in Diagnosis, Decision Making and Follow-up.